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PROMISEworks provides long term volunteer mentoring to children and young people in Somerset.

So often we see young people who due to early trauma from domestic/physical, sexual or emotional abuse are unable to move forward with their lives, or even imagine a future for themselves. When this occurs, we are able to offer a form of coaching which can make a difference to the way a young person thinks and feels and helps them to better manage their emotions - in short to retrain their brains.

This coaching can be delivered content free so a young person has no need to discuss or relive the trauma, they are given techniques to practice to recognise emotional triggers and then reduce their anxiety levels. Studies of neuroplasticity show us that the more a person can learn to regulate their emotions the less likely they are to experience the extreme self-sabotaging or otherwise harmful behaviours that they have developed as coping mechanisms.

We are extremely grateful to The Pixel Fund for their grant in support of our mental health fund, enabling us to extend this wonderfully effective therapy to more of our mentees over the coming 12 months.