York Mind

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In the last 12 months since receiving the funding from the pixel fund, York Mind have supported 183 young people in the Choose Your Way Project, and 158 young people in Young People’s Counselling. The funding has supported us to offer this provision, allowing young people aged between 8-25 within York to access a range of options of mental health support. These options included peer support groups, art & life skills groups, and one-to-one mentoring and counselling.

This support for young people struggling with their mental health has continued through lockdown with phone mentoring and counselling available, as well as online video call groups. This has been essential for young people struggling with their mental health during the difficult period of Covid-19. During this time, we have also introduced the Young People’s Drop In to the Choose Your Way project, which allows young people to get involved with the service through text messaging and quickly access support.


It is hugely important to be able to offer mental health support to young people during this difficult time. Fears around Covid 19, issues surrounding both missing out and returning to education, and uncertainty around their future, means this is a particularly challenging period for young people growing up. Young people have fed back that our support has given them the skills to deal with difficult situations, as well as helping them to improve their wellbeing and see life in a more positive light. We are hugely grateful for the Pixel Fund’s support in being able to make this different to young people.

On behalf of York Mind