Sunflowers Wellbeing Project  

Tuppenny Barn is an organic smallholding and charity passionate about delivering educational opportunities for children, young people and the wider community in our outdoor classroom. Working with horticulture we help foster physical health and mental wellbeing through our education and green therapy programmes. With a focus on supporting those facing disadvantage in our community, all activities at Tuppenny Barn are delivered in line with our ethos of sustainability – we value having a positive impact on our local and wider environment.

Thanks to the Pixel Fund who  have supported us to deliver a weekly Sunflowers Wellbeing group. The young people attending have caring roles at home, supporting family members with mental health problems, long term chronic illnesses or a cancer diagnosis. Their caring role often impacts their ability to learn effectively or interact socially at school.  It can impact a young person’s own mental health with anxiety and low moods. Our Educators, who are qualified teachers and trained forest school practitioners, worked with the young people in our one-hectare outdoor classroom. The project has included growing, cropping, cooking, art, writing, crafts and mindfulness activities. The sessions provide a nurturing environment where they can focus on how to support their own emotional wellbeing, and identify coping mechanisms and strategies that work for them. Crucially we provided young carers with a safe space for them, to consider what makes them happy and gives them enjoyment. When asked what the Sunflowers sessions meant to them one young person said, ‘it means that I can look forward to something’ and another said, ‘I love it because this gives me some happy in my life’.

Many of the young people we work with have numerous and complex needs, alongside the challenges of their caring role at home. The grant from the Pixel Fund has had a direct and positive impact on these young people. An opportunity to engage in fun experiential learning outdoors in small groups has encouraged them to re-engage with learning in their school setting, 100% of those attending show an increased engagement with their learning at school. A young person commented that Tuppenny Barn, ‘ has been really relaxing and it helps with my learning and understanding.’ They have developed confidence to talk to educators and peers about their experiences and develop their social skills to build relationships. It has also provided an opportunity to learn key life skills which can be used at home with their family.  94% said they have learnt new skills as a result of coming to the Sunflower sessions.