Medical Foundation For The Care Of Victims Of Torture

Freedom from Torture

Freedom from Torture

In October 2019, Freedom from Torture received a grant of £5,000 from the Pixel Fund. We used this grant to help provide a range of services for 107 children and young people who have been affected by torture. The grant helped us to provide: family therapy, individual psychological therapy, therapy groups, and social work.

Freedom from Torture

Freedom from Torture

Freedom from Torture is a UK-based charity that provides treatment and help for people who have been tortured and have fled to seek safety and sanctuary in the UK. Our services to help survivors of torture include: psychological therapy, activity-based therapy groups such as art therapy, creative writing and bread-making, specialist therapy for children, young people and families who have been affected by torture and pain management. We also provide legal and welfare help and advice to help survivors with some of the issues they face living in the UK.